Jack Hansen looks like your average 43-year-old accountant.
He lives in a nice house, has a couple of kids, and takes six weeks off every summer to vacation with his family in Upstate New York, where he owns a historic cottage on the banks of Lake Champlain.
Like most accountants I know, he’s a pretty conservative guy — both politically and socially.
He’s not a big drinker, big talker, or big fighter. In fact, he’s fairly soft-spoken and doesn’t seem to get too riled up over much.
And you wouldn’t know it by looking at him, but Jack’s net worth is well over two million dollars.
That’s right — this mild-mannered accountant from Pennsylvania is a millionaire.
But he didn’t make this kind of scratch crunching numbers for the pharmaceutical company he’s been working for over the past 14 years…
No, Jack made his fortune being boring.
Boring Investments = Big Profits
Jack doesn’t care about the limelight.
He has no interest in the fast-talkers on all those financial news shows, he isn’t swayed by over-hyped IPOs like Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) and Groupon (NASDAQ: GRPN), and he never follows the herd.
No, Jack tends to find the most boring stocks out there, both big and small, sits on them patiently, and cashes out when Wall Street comes running.
Today Jack’s got a nice little nest egg. He plans on retiring in 2015.
He’ll be 46.
That’s right, in three years Jack will be able to retire — simply because he made some really smart investment decisions. But he’s not done just yet.
Where Jack’s Investing Now
When it comes to investing, Jack and I have pretty much always been on the same page: We examine the big picture, study and anticipate new trends, and look for the easiest way to capitalize on them.
Today Jack and I are both very excited about a somewhat “boring” investment opportunity: infrastructure.
I’ve discussed infrastructure opportunities in the past.
Certainly we’ve made a few bucks in this space over the years. But a few bucks is now about to turn into a few million bucks.
Here’s why…
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Priming the Pump
Two years ago, the G-20 created what it calls the High Level Panel on Infrastructure (HLP).
It’s essentially a group of big-money players that have been charged with the task of facilitating infrastructure investment around the world.
Not coincidentally, global infrastructure investments have doubled over the past two years… and things are about to get even hotter.
You see, in less than two weeks, the G-20 will meet at a summit in Mexico. And they’re already prepping the whole thing to focus almost exclusively on energy and infrastructure.
Check out this recent G-20 press release:
Investment in infrastructure is crucial as a tool for countries’ economic and development policy, since it unleashes greater growth in the short term and raises productivity levels and competitiveness in the medium term.
Adequate infrastructure supports the development of economic activity in an efficient and safe manner, improving the welfare of the population, triggering further growth, and creating jobs.
That is why infrastructure has been established by Mexico and other G-20 countries as a priority for economic policy.
We know the G-20 has been very active on infrastructure investments over the past two years. And because crumbling and failing infrastructure has catapulted to the top of the world’s economic priority list, sources are now expecting this upcoming summit in Mexico to result in a sort of fast-tracking for the HLP.
That means we want to be in on the infrastructure game now.
$50 Trillion Up for Grabs
The G-20’s High Level Panel on Infrastructure is among the most powerful groups in the world today.
According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, global infrastructure requirements will be in the order of $50 trillion.
It’s no wonder the HLP’s plan on new infrastructure spending has been labeled “confidential.”
Now, there’s a handful of companies that will be in line to get a piece of this action.
But you don’t need access to a confidential report to figure out who they are and how you can get your own slice of the pie…
Just do a little digging, see who’s on the inside, connect the dots, and you will find the companies that will be hired to facilitate this new infrastructure plan easily enough.
We’ve already identified three. I’ll be sharing those with you later this week.
To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…
Jeff Siegel
Jeff is an editor of Energy and Capital as well as a contributing analyst for New World Assets.
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